Page 81 - RoboCilindri, Controller, robocilindri, sinta,
P. 81

OptionUSB CableAdapter CablePSEL ControllerMiniStandardMiniStandard            IntegratedMini StandardFeaturesA cable for connecting the controller to the USB port to a computer.A controller with no USB port (e.g. XSEL) can be connected to the USB port of a computer by connecting an RS232C cable to the USB cable via a USB adapter.FeaturesAn adapter cable to connect theD-sub 25-pin connector from theteaching pendant or a PC to the             teaching connector (half-pitch) of Integrated the PSEL controller.(See PC software IA-101-X-USBMW) Model CB-SEL-USB030 (Cable length: 3m)Model CB-SEL-SJ002 (Cable length: 0.2m)Spare PartsWhen you need spare parts after purchasing the product, such as when replacing a cable, refer to the list of models below.Motor cableModel CB-RCP2-MA□□□ ** The standard cable for the motor cable is the robot cable.* Enter the cable length (L) into □□□ . Compatible to a maximum of 20 meters.   Ex.: 080 = 8 m(8)     (20)(Front view)(20)(14)WireI-1318119-3 (AMP)ColorSignal Pin No.Pin No. SignalColorYellowGray Orange Orange (Black 1) Pink WhiteWireSLP-06V (JST)CN3CN1(Front view)Min. bend radius r = 50 mm or larger (when movable type is used)   Mechanical side Encoder cable/Encoder robot cableOrange AGray VMM White B Yellow APink VMM Orange (Black 1) BA1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B31 2 3 4 5 6AVMM A B VMM BLController sideModel CB-RCP2-PB□□□/CB-RCP2-PB□□□-RB * The standard cable for the encoder cable is a normal cable. * Enter the cable length (L) into □□□ . Compatible to a maximum of 20 meters.   A robot cable can be specified as an option.   Ex.: 080 = 8 mMin. bend radius r = 50 mm or larger (when movable type is used) * Only robot cable is to be used in a cable track.Cable StandardCableBlue (Red 1)WhiteCN4RedGrayBrown Green Purple PinkYellow Orange BlueGroundcolor Robot Cable Orange (Black 2) Orange (Red 2)Orange (Black 1)Orange (Red 1)Light Gray (Black 1) Light Gray (Red 1) White (Black 1) White (Red 1)Yellow (Black 1) Pink (Red 1) Pink (Black 1)GroundSignalLS+ LS−BK+BK−ENA ENA ENB ENBVPS VBB GND (N.C) (N.C) (N.C) F.GPin No.16 15141312 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1Pin No.12SignalENAStandard CableCable colorBrownRobot CableCN2(5)   (8)(Front view)Controller sideMotor-Encoder Integrated Cable for RCP3Model CB-PCS-MPA□□□ L(13) (15)(Front view)Mechanical sidePMEC /AMECPSEP /ASEPROBO NETShield wire ERC2 Ground wireCN41314 15161718ENALS−BK+BK−F.GGreenPurple PinkBlue Orange YellowWhiteRedGrayGroundLight Gray (Black 1)3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12ENB ENBGND VBB VPSLight Gray (Red 1)White (Black 1) White (Red 1)Pink (Black 1) Pink (Red 1) Yellow (Black 1)LS+Blue (Red 1)Orange (Black 2)Orange (Red 2)Orange (Black 1)Orange (Red 1)GroundSlider TypeRod TypeTable/Arm /Flat TypeGripper/ Rotary TypeLinear Motor TypeCleanroom Type                       CN2L* Enter the cable length (L) into □□□ . Compatible to a maximum of 20 meters.   Ex.: 080 = 8 mPCON ACON SCON PSEL ASEL SSEL XSELSignal Pin NumberA B1 VMM A2 /A A1 B B3 VMM B2 /B A3BK+ 14 BK− 13 LS+ 16 LS− 15 A+ 12 A− 11 B+ 10 B− 9 NC 8 VPS 7 VCC 6 GND 5 NC 4 FG 1(Wire color)Black White Red Green Yellow Brown                                                                                                                                                                                            ShieldPin Number SignalA1 A(8)(5)(Front view) (8) Controller sideI/O Flat CableModel CB-DS-PIO □□□1B 1A17B 17A(18)(Front view)B1 A2 B2 A3 B3 A4VMM/ABVMM/B NCB4 A5 B5 A6 B6 A7 B7 A8 B8 A9 B9 A10 B10 A11 B11NCBK+ BK− LS+ LS− A+ A− B+ B− NC VPS VCC GND NC FG(20)(23)Min. bend radius r = 84 mm or larger (when movable type is used)Mechanical side* Enter the cable length (L) into □□□ . Compatible to a maximum of 10 meters.   Ex.: 080 = 8 m           Wire2mPin No.1A 1B 2A 2B 3A 3B 4A 4B 5A 5B 6A 6B 7A 7B 8A 8B 9AColorBrown 1 Red 1 Orange 1 Yellow 1 Green 1 Blue1 Purple 1 Gray 1 White 1 Black 1 Brown-2 Red 2 Orange 2 Yellow 2 Green 2 Blue 2 Purple 2Pin No.9B 10A 10B 11A 11B 12A 12B 13A 13B 14A 14B 15A 15B 16A 16B 17A 17BColor WireGray 2 White 2 Black 2 Brown-3 Red 3 Orange 3 Yellow 3 Green 3 Blue 3 Purple 3 Gray 3 White 3 Black 3 Brown-4 Red 4 Orange 4 Yellow 4No connector Flat cable AWG28 (34-core)Flat cable crimpedFlat cable crimpedServo Motor (24V)Servo Motor (230V)Linear MotorPSEL 566(18)(15)(18)(15)(30)(ø12)(25)(14)(ø9)XMP-18V (JST)(35)(28)PHDR-16VS (JST)(ø8)

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