Page 92 - RoboCilindri, Controller, robocilindri, sinta,
P. 92

Slider TypeProgram controller For RCS2 seriesTable/Arm /Flat TypeRod TypeList of modelsTypeCNameProgram modePositioner ModeExternal ViewDescriptionBoth the actuator operation and communication with external equipment can be handled by a single controller. When two axes are connected, arc interpolation, path operations, and synchronization can be performed.Up to 20000 positioning points are supported. Push-motion operation and teaching operation are also possible.Position points20000 pointsNumber of control axes:2 axes max.Gripper/ Rotary TypeLinear Motor TypeCleanroom TypeSplash-ProofControllersModelSSEL C* 2nd axis specs not applicable to the single-axis model.Series Type Number of Axes (Specs for 1st axis) (Specs for 2nd axis) I/O Type I/O Cable Power VoltageMotor Encoder Option Motor Encoder OptionLength1Single-phase AC115V2Single-phase AC230VIIncrementalAAbsoluteBBrakeCCreep sensorHAHigh Accel./Decel.LHome sensor/ LS-compatibleMMaster axis specCStandard Type0No cable22m33m55mBBrakeCCreep sensorHAHigh Accel./Decel.LHome sensor/ LS-compatibleSSlave axis spec1Single-axis model22-axis modelIIncrementalAAbsolute1212W servo motor150150W servo motor2020W servo motor200200W servo motor30D30W servo motor for RCS2300300W servo motor30R30W servo motor for RS400400W servo motor6060W servo motor600600W servo motor100100W servo motor750750W servo motor1212W servo motor150150W servo motor2020W servo motor200200W servo motor30D30W servo motor for RCS2300300W servo motor30R30W servo motor for RS400400W servo motor6060W servo motor600600W servo motor100100W servo motor750750W servo motorNPPIO NPNPNPIO PNP (standard)DVDeviceNetCCCC-LinkPRProfiBusPulse MotorServo Motor (24V)Servo Motor (230V)Linear MotorSSEL Controller MiniStandardControllers IntegratedMiniStandardControllers IntegratedMini StandardProgram controller for operating RCS2 series actuators. One unit can handle various controls.PMEC /AMECPSEP /ASEPROBO NETERC2 PCON ACON SCON PSEL ASEL SSEL XSEL577 SSEL

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